SC Johnson's Commitment to Education
This month we’re continuing our Kaleidoscope Education Series (KES). The 2021-2022 programs will start as virtual live broadcasts but, hopefully, in-person programming will be added later in the school year. As always, these programs are available at no cost.
As we have done for more than 40 years, we offer different experiences for students of all ages. For instance, the October Programs include “The Physics Experience” created for 5th grade students to learn about motion, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, and plasma through fun demonstrations. Other fall programs include a 4th grade experience titled “BOT! The Secret World of Robots.” This program uses multimedia content to demonstrate how important science can be in our daily lives and students’ futures.
These are just some of the programs SCJ has planned for KES. Principals and teachers can read about upcoming programs and register here.
Programs for a Brighter Future
In addition, we have long been committed to future generations and finding ways to help them reach their goals and foster a love of learning. Here are some ways we’ve helped:
• SC Johnson STEM Scholars Pathway: Earlier this year, we announced a donation of $5.5 million to Gateway Technical College to create the SC Johnson STEM Scholar Pathway program. This program offers the opportunity to obtain a four-year degree in a STEM- related career field to those with limited means, women, and people of color, who have historically been under-represented in STEM industries.
• Partnering with Sesame Workshop: We teamed up with Sesame Workshop to help create new tools and resources for young children and caregivers worldwide to promote healthy and environmentally sustainable practices at home. Over the next two years, Sesame Workshop will create a robust collection of global educational resources centered around the pillars of health, sustainability, and early education building blocks.
• Battle of the Books: We’ve supported the Racine Public Library’s Battle of the Books program for 20 years to provide thousands of books to local fourth- and fifth-grade students and encourage a love of reading through friendly competition.
• GEMS Conference: For six years, we’ve sponsored the Southeastern Wisconsin Girls Engineering, Math and Science (GEMS) Conference, to help reach middle school aged female students and engage them in hands-on experiences and learning sessions designed to encourage engagement and pursuit of courses and careers in science and technology, and ultimately inspire young girls to reach their potential.