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A Partnership for Progress: SC Johnson & Plastic Bank Celebrate Stopping the Equivalent of 2 Billion ​Plastic ​Bottles ​ from Entering the Ocean

We’re excited to announce that together with Plastic Bank we’ve recovered 40 million kilograms of coastal plastic equivalent of stopping two billion 500 ml single-use PET plastic bottles – from entering the world’s oceans. It’s yet another great step in our partnership that kicked off in 2018 with the goal to stop plastic before it gets into the ocean while improving the lives of collection community members in some of the world's most vulnerable coastal areas. 

A Partnership for Progress 

How much is two billion plastic bottles? Well, two billion plastic bottles could fill 334 Olympic-sized swimming pools! With more than 8 million metric tons of plastic estimated to pollute the ocean every year, Plastic Bank and SC Johnson’s global partnership is working to help eliminate plastic waste and find local solutions to this global crisis.

“Plastic pollution and poverty are two of the world’s most pressing issues. Our collaboration with SC Johnson enables us to make great strides in tackling these challenges. But we must understand that our milestone is just the dust of the massive amount of plastic left in the environment. We all need to take part in building a world where no material is wasted, and no human is wasteful. It is only then that we succeed,” said David Katz, Founder, Plastic Bank. 

Beyond doing good for the planet, this partnership plays an important role in helping families improve lives in impoverished areas. 

Doing what’s right for people and the planet is important to us at SC Johnson.  

Our partnership with Plastic Bank has collected 2 billion plastic bottles, which is enough plastic to fill over 334 Olympic-sized swimming pools!

“Preventing the equivalent of 2 billion plastic bottles from polluting our ocean ecosystems is an incredible feat, and SC Johnson is proud to play a large part in that achievement as we work toward our vision for a waste-free world,” said Fisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO of SC Johnson. “Our partnership with Plastic Bank is one of the many actions we are taking around the world to reduce waste, increase our use of recyclable plastic in our products and support underserved communities.” 

To date, SC Johnson’s partnership with Plastic Bank has: 

  • Created 379 collection centers across Indonesia, the Philippines and Brazil.
  • Stopped more than 40 million kilograms of plastic, the equivalent of 2 billion plastic bottles, from disrupting ocean ecosystems. 
  • Launched 100% recycled recovered coastal plastic bottles in two of SC Johnson’s home cleaning brands: Windex® in North America and Mr Muscle® in the U.K. and Ireland. 
  • Provided more than 19,000 people with additional economic opportunities.

About Plastic Bank: 

Plastic Bank gathers Ocean Stewards to be a part of a social recycling movement that stops plastic from entering the ocean. It helps those who collect it by using plastic waste as a currency. It identifies vulnerable coastlines across the world that need plastic collection infrastructure and empowers local entrepreneurs to establish collection branches. These branches facilitate collection communities to exchange plastic for life-improving benefits and secure income. Collected material is processed for reuse in products and packaging. 

See more from our partnership: 

Life of a Bottle - Windex