RACINE, Wis., March 21, 2017 – The Amazon rainforest is the world’s greatest rainforest and also one of its most vital life-support systems. Today on International Day of Forests, SC Johnson, the maker of trusted household products like Pledge®, Glade®, OFF!® and Ziploc®, is proudly partnering with Conservation International (CI) to educate people and protect Amazonia. The company is the distribution sponsor of CI’s new virtual reality (VR) film Under the Canopy, and is also raising the stakes with a challenge. For every acre of rainforest protected through the CI donation page, the company will provide an acre-for-acre match up to 5,000 acres for a total of 10,000 acres.
“SC Johnson has supported a number of global forest protection efforts over the years as part of our commitment to sustainability,” said Kelly M. Semrau, Senior Vice President - Global Corporate Affairs, Communication and Sustainability at SC Johnson. “We will continue to work to support the preservation of rainforests and Earth’s other critical resources for future generations.”
5 Reasons Why You Should Care and Help Protect the Rainforest*
- The Amazon rainforest is the largest remaining tropical forest on the planet and covers an area nearly the size of the continental United States.
- Forests are “the lungs of the Earth,” absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen.
- The Amazon region produces 20 percent of the world’s breathable oxygen.
- Deforestation accounts for more greenhouse gas emissions than all of the cars and trucks on Earth combined.
- The Amazon region hosts the richest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planet, with 10 percent of the world’s known species.
About Under the Canopy
Under the Canopy allows viewers to explore the extraordinary landscape of Amazonia guided by the indigenous people who inhabit the region and are essential to its protection. Viewers will feel like they are swinging from treetops and plunging into rivers as they learn more about why people need the rainforest to thrive. From its role as the world’s largest watershed to the fact that its trees absorb carbon and help regulate climate, the Amazon region provides the foundation for healthy societies around the world.
Experience the wonder of the Amazon in 360-degree virtual reality online at www.conservation.org/canopy, and those with VR headsets can experience the powerful VR version via the JauntVR app.
Step Up to the Challenge and Help Protect 10,000 Acres of Rainforest
Protecting an acre of tropical forest through CI costs just $25. SC Johnson will match donations up to 5,000 acres for a total of 10,000 acres. Donations can be made at www.conservation.org/protect.
SC Johnson’s Commitment to Fighting Deforestation
As a member of the Consumer Goods Forum, SC Johnson shares its commitment to net zero deforestation by 2020 through the sustainable sourcing of pulp, paper, packaging and palm oil. The company has fully aligned with the CGF Pulp, Paper and Packaging Guidelines.
In addition, for more than a decade, SC Johnson has worked with CI and its REDD+ program to engage communities in conservation, safeguard forests and secure livelihoods. SC Johnson also helped protect two reserves in Brazil’s Caatinga ecoregion in the 1990s.
This new effort with CI also fits with SC Johnson’s commitment to reducing its own impact:
*Facts provided by Conservation International
About SC Johnson
SC Johnson is a family company dedicated to innovative, high quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. It markets such well-known brands as GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF!®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, TANA®, BAMA®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE® and RIDSECT®. The 131-year-old company, which generates $10 billion in sales, employs approximately 13,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world. www.scjohnson.com
About Conservation International (CI)
Building upon a strong foundation of science, partnership and field demonstration, CI empowers societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature, our global biodiversity for the well-being of people. Founded in 1987, CI is headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area and employs more than 800 staff in 30 countries on six continents, and has nearly 1,000 partners around the world. For more information, please visit our website at: www.conservation.org/ or visit us on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
Editor’s note: For access to resources including an infographic, links to the film and images, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/8031131-sc-johnson-conservation-international-under-the-canopy
To learn more about SC Johnson’s commitment to protecting against deforestation, go to scjohnson.com/amazon